Natalie Bonnano

Natalie is the own of Sing Smart Studios, a contemporary singing school that offers premium singing lessons for students of all ages and levels of experience in Townsville. Natalie took part in the awards in 2016 and has had a very busy year since the awards, getting married and purchasing a house.
Natalie and her husband have also been undertaking renovations downstairs to make 5 studios, a bathroom and laundry. They are aiming to have the studio’s completed and ready for use by January. Music runs in the family for Natalie. Her dad is a musician and producer and her husband Damien teaches Guitar in 3 schools in Townsville.
Natalie is currently preparing all of her students for a concert at the end of the term. Here are Natalie’s reflections on the bursary process.
What is your biggest achievement in business to date?
Well, many achievements have been made throughout the short journey I have had so far, but truly the biggest achievement would be having the wonderful clients that I have. I feel very honoured!
Tell us something about yourself that many people don’t know.
I grew up on a farm in the Burdekin. It is still my favorite place. OH, and I got married to my lovely husband there too! 🙂
What advice would you give to up and coming young business people.
Sometimes it can be hard to feel confident in your business. Other times we can feel like we are superior to those who “haven’t achieved as much we have”. Neither one of these positions are good mindsets to help us grow in our business. I am learning to stop constantly comparing my business and idea’s against others and instead appreciate what we are at Sing Smart Studios! This makes it easier to work hard within the business and care for people (including myself), rather than working hard to build personal status or turn over more cash.
How did the bursary assist your business?
Applying for this bursary helped me as it gave me connections with other business owners. This was helpful because I was able to talk with them about the questions and dilemmas that I had and get advice.
Phillip Leong assisted many young people in business, arts and sport. What contributions do you (and your business) make/plan to make to our community?
My passion is to work alongside singers by providing current, researched based information to improve their technique and protect their vocal health. I work hard to create an environment where students have the ability to express themselves through their voices, achieve their inner ambitions, and overcome their fears. People matter to me and a key focus of my business is making a positive difference in their lives.
Do you have any reflections about the bursary process that could help current applicants?
Get a team! It was a great benefit to me having my family and friends supporting and critiquing my work as I went through the bursary process.
What future aspirations do you have for your professional career and/or your business?
My next goal is to train up a new teacher to employ once we have finished building the studios.
Which local schools or education establishments have you attended?
I was home-schooled. I am very grateful to my Mum who worked tirelessly with my brothers and I. She is a gem! In my high school years I completed distance education through Groves Christian College.